Mentorship Sessions
Mentorship Sessions are FREE online remote sessions, about an hour in length, dealing with essential knowledge and skills all woodturners need. They are similar to IRDs but are not project oriented. They are less regimented with plenty of room to digress and go where participants would like. They are intended to be most valuable to those without many years of experience, but all turners may benefit. Experienced turners are encouraged to join and participate. We all learn from one another, and less experienced turners get more benefit from a diversity of viewpoints and experience.
Signup (It's free!)
Hold What Ya Got!
SSSeptember 30, 2023 2 pm Eastern
Registration closes September 29, 2023.
We will spin the "Wheel of Names" again for a free demo ticket winner. (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN.)
In this session we will deal with methods of holding wood safely on the lathe. We'll cover holding between centers, face plates, jamb chucks, collets, drive spurs, live centers, dead centers, steb centers, and 4 jaw scroll chucks along with variations in jaws, wood worms, and more.
Have Log. Want Bowl. What Now?
Sharp Is Not Enough!