What some have said...
"Rick really knows his stuff!" - Lorena, Chattanooga, TN.
"Your...demo was interesting, and I learned a few things even though I have been turning for over 10 years. - Randy, Somewhere in the U.S.A.
"Thanks very much, Rick, for a great presentation!" - Hans, Georgia Association of Woodturners
"I got quite a bit more from your demo than I expected.., Thanks again for the excellent demonstration!" - Kim, Geortia Association of Woodturners
"I wanted to thank you for the clarity, your demonstration and verbal presentation was very enlightening for a new turner." - Nelson, Space Coast Woodturners
3 Corner Bowl
You may have seen a number of three corner bowl videos on YouTube. Some them are not bad, but a lot of them leave basic questions unanswered, and many provide no warnings about obvious hazzards. Others simply keep the viewer wondering how to do what they just saw? This demo is different!
Sure, I'll show you how I do it, but what I really want to do is to help you learn how you can do it... safely. I will cover several important tips along the way that will go far toward success the first time you try it and every time thereafter.
Belted Balls & Hollow Spheres
This demo shows how to create a thin-wall, hollow sphere with a contrasting band near the middle (or not). Easy-to-make templates are used to gage the internal and external profiles. The final sphere profile is turned between centers using cup chucks, also easy-to-make. Gouge grind and presentation are emphasized as well as important tips in the use of the templates to make repeatable successes relatively simple right from the beginning.
.50 Caliber Lidded Box
In this 1 1/2 hour demo I will show you a very simple way to create a small box with an overfit lid. In this instance I will make a toothpick box using a .50 Caliber BMG cartridge as a model. Once you understand the method, it is easily transferred to many other applications.
Embellishment by Design - Spiraled Egg New!
In this demo I show you how to use off-lathe indexing methods to easily create a pleasing spiral design on an egg or similar closed form. I then complete the project with rotary carving, woodburning, and coloring techniques. Through the use of time lapse techniques, you see the final result that normally takes several hours. When time allows I also turn the egg with a skew and highlight some tips for those who have not yet made peace with the skew.
(Sample Video) (Handout)
Log to Bowl
In this demo I cover transforming a log into a rough turned bowl.
• Processing the log.
• Hazzards to avoid.
• Minimizing cracks.
• Planning ahead for form and figure.
• Finding the bowl in the log.
• Prearing the bowl blank.
• Safety in mounting and turning the bowl.
• Turning the bowl.
• Drying the bowl.
... with all of this informed by...
• What I wish I had known when I began turning.
• The advice I wish I had taken when I began turning.
• The mistakes I made when I began turning.
• The lessons I wish I had learned a lot earlier.
Where's My Wood? Creating Lenticular Forms with the Lost Wood Process.
In this 1.5 hour demo I will show you how to create flattened forms on the lathe by turning a waste wood sandwich. Once turned, the center waste wood is removed, and the two outer parts are recombined to form a lenticular form as our canvas for further artistic expression. I will show you the glue up method and also the use of my special jig to avoid having to do glue ups.
(Overview) (Handout) (FAQ) (Slide Show) (Sample)
Piercing for Mere Mortals
This demo shows you how to get started with piercing. It does not involve super thin walls and extremely delicate piercing as in the style of thee late Bin Pho, but more in the style of mere mortals like you and me. You will see that you can produce pleasing works a lot easier than you may have thought.
(Sample Video) (Handout)
Carving with Fire - Embellishing with Woodburning and Branding
This demo introduces you to surface embellishment with woodburning and branding. I'll show you the equipment I use to texture many of my pieces, and you will discover you don't need to break the bank to do a ton of things. You will see that you can do a great deal with just two tips, and a whole lot more with home made tips.
Pizazz On A Platter - On Lathe Embellishment
This demo introduces you to techniques to decorate your plates and platters while still on the lathe. We'll explore spiral patterns, chatter patterns, grooves, and beads as well as a bit of color.
Pizazz On A Platter - Off Lathe Embellishment
This demo offers a sampler of methods to spice up your plates and platters after the turning is finished. We'll explore indexed designs, rotary carving, woodburing and branding.